Mr. & Mrs Friederich
The day the world shut down Kaitlin received a text from Chris that he would have to cancel their date so he should call his clients about the canceled season. This story could be quite a short and end here..
Luckily their first date was the prior weekend on March 7th. So as you presumable already know, this story started its very happy journey!
In November Kaitlin and Chris went to Florida for their second trip together, and Chris’ Brother Adam hosted them for Thanksgiving. Kaitlin was unaware that Chris had purchased an engagement ring while they were out to lunch. When they got back to Chicago Chris immediately started to coordinate a surprise proposal!
He would out a rings in Katlin’s stocking for the morning of December 19. Kaitlin thought they were just going to open stockings then drive to her parents house for dinner. She didn’t know that both of their families would be waiting outside her condo building with cameras, food champagne and hot chocolate.
SO, the big day came and Chris could barley keep his years in as he proposed to Kaitlin. She said he’s, and a Lifetime of Christmas stocking would never be the same. The surprise was executed flawlessly! The families Celebrated a dream come true for Kaitlin and Chris.