“The Powel Crosley Estate, a stunning Mediterranean Revival mansion located on the Sarasota Bay in Florida, served as the perfect backdrop for an elegant black and white wedding meticulously planned by Precious Moments Events. The historical charm of the estate, with its grand architecture and lush gardens, provided a timeless setting for this sophisticated affair.

The theme of the wedding was a classic black and white palette, a choice that exuded sophistication and elegance. Guests were greeted with invitations featuring crisp black calligraphy on luxurious white paper, setting the tone for the event. The décor was a seamless blend of modern minimalism and vintage glamour.

The black and white wedding at the Powel Crosley Estate, planned by Precious Moments Events, was a true testament to timeless elegance and sophisticated style. The historic venue, combined with the classic color scheme and meticulous details, resulted in a wedding that was both stunning and unforgettable. The perfect blend of tradition and modernity, it was a day that beautifully celebrated love and commitment in the most elegant of settings